Fastest possible refund

Fast & easy tax filing to get your maximum refund.

Easy step-by-step interview questions makes filing fast and easy. Some filers prepare and e-file their federal and state tax returns in as little as 30 minutes. That's fast! What's more, it's (almost) fun. So, start your online tax return here today.

IRS says e-file is the fastest way to get your refund.

Get your tax refund faster with online e-file and direct deposit. According to IRS, you get the fastest possible refund when you use e-file to submit your return and choose direct deposit to receive your refund. And it's a fact that you get your refund weeks earlier when you e-file online than when you file on paper.

How to check the status of your tax refund

Once you get confirmation that your tax return has been accepted, you can start tracking your refund. The fastest and easiest way to check your refund status is by using the IRS "Where's My Refund?" tool. The tracker goes through three phases: Return received, Return approved and Refund sent. To get your refund status, you'll need to provide your Social Security or ITIN, filing status, and exact refund amount. Taxpayers can also get their refund status by calling the IRS refund hotline at 800-829-1954.

How often is the "Where's My Refund?" tool updated?

The IRS "Where's My Refund?" tool is updated once a day, usually at night.

Can you get your tax refund back the same day?

Unfortunately, there's no way to get your tax refund from the IRS the same day you e-file. Most taxpayers receive their refund in less than 3 weeks.

Will calling the IRS help you get your tax refund faster?

No, calling or visiting an IRS office will not speed up your refund. You should only call the IRS if:

  • It's been more than 21 days since you e-filed
  • It's been more than 6 months since you mailed a paper return
  • The "Where's My Refund?" tool tells you that they can provide more information over the phone

Can I get a tax refund date by ordering a tax transcript?

Don't believe this common myth. Ordering a tax transcript won't give you a refund date or help with processing your tax refund faster. An IRS tax transcript summarizes your tax return information and can be used as proof of income when applying for a mortgage or financial aid.

Common reasons your tax refund could be delayed

To get your tax refund as fast as possible, choosing e-file and direct deposit is the best way to go. The IRS issues most refunds within 21 days.

However, some things can delay your refund such as:

When can I expect my tax refund if I claimed the Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC) or Additional Child Tax Credit (ACTC)?

Due to the Protecting Americans from Tax Hikes (PATH) Act, if you claimed the Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC) and Additional Child Tax Credit (ACTC), the IRS can't issue your refund before mid-February. The IRS says you can expect your tax refund on March 1st if you e-file, have your refund direct deposited, and have zero issues with your return.

What customers say about ezTaxReturn...

I just completed your federal and NC state returns online. Thank you for an easy to use product. I used TaxACT for previous 2 years and TurboTax before that. This was much easier.

Charity Chriscoe

Garner, NC

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