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Customer Satisfaction Survey 2024
Please help us improve our product by completing this questionnaire.

How did you hear about ezTaxReturn? (Select all that apply)*

How did you hear about ezTaxReturn? (Select all that apply)*

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What software did you use to file with this year?*

What software did you use to file with this year?*

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Why did you decide not to complete your filing with ezTaxReturn?*

Why did you decide not to complete your filing with ezTaxReturn?*

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What was your experience like when using*

What was your experience like when using*

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How likely are you to consider using ezTaxReturn next year?*

How likely are you to consider using ezTaxReturn next year?*

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Did you utilized our free customer service while trying*

Did you utilized our free customer service while trying*

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How was your customer support experience?

How was your customer support experience?

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What suggestions do you have to improve the ezTaxReturn experience?*

What suggestions do you have to improve the ezTaxReturn experience?*

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What month do you usually file your taxes?

What month do you usually file your taxes?

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What do you consider a reasonable cost to prepare and e-file your federal and state return?*

What do you consider a reasonable cost to prepare and e-file your federal and state return?*

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What age group do you belong to?*

What age group do you belong to?*

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Which income bracket best describes your household?*

Which income bracket best describes your household?*

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Which race or ethnicity best describes you? (Please choose only one)

Which race or ethnicity best describes you? (Please choose only one)

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What gender do you identify as?

What gender do you identify as?

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