File your California State Tax Return

If you have a simple return, your federal return is FREE.

Streamline the process, file your federal and California state tax return with ezTaxReturn saving time, ensuring accuracy and maximizing your refunds.


  • Preparation and e-file
  • Unlimited re-file for rejections
  • FREE downloads through May 15, $9.99 /download after May 15

State return


Federal + CA state tax return combo


If you don't qualify for a simple return,
the following prices apply:



State return


Federal + CA state tax return combo


California State forms & schedules we support

  • Form 540: Resident Income Tax Return
  • 3506: Child and Dependent Care Expenses Credit
  • 3514: California Earned Income Tax Credit
  • 3532: Head of Household Filing Status Schedule
  • 3800: Tax Computation for Certain Children with Unearned Income
  • 3805P: Additional Tax on Qualified Plans
  • 3853: Health Coverage Exemptions and Individual Shared Responsibility Penalty
  • 3913: Moving Expense Deduction
  • Schedule CA: Adjustments
  • Schedule P: California AMT
  • Schedule X: Individual Amended Income Tax Return

California State tax Refund FAQs

When can I expect my California tax refund?

  • If you e-file, it can take up to three weeks to receive your refund.
  • For paper filers, it can take up to three months to receive your refund.

Why is my California state refund taking so long?

Your California state refund may be delayed due to calculation errors and missing or incomplete information on your tax return. Some tax returns also require additional review to keep taxpayers safe from fraud and identity theft.

Why is my CA refund different than expected?

If your refund was more or less than expected, either changes were made to your tax return, or you had a past due government debt. The Franchise Tax Board (FTB) can make changes to your tax return if:

  • Your withholding and payments don’t match their records.
  • You claimed a tax credit that you don’t qualify for.
  • Your refund was used to pay a past tax debt.

In those cases, the FTB will mail you a Notice of Tax Return Change detailing the changes and updated refund amount.

How long do taxpayers have to cash a refund check before it expires?

Refund checks are good for a year after the date they are issued. If it’s been more than a year, you will need to request a new check from the FTB.

Date on the checkHow to request a new refund checkProcessing time
1 to 3 years oldSend the FTB a letter including:
  • Your name
  • Tax year
  • Subject: Old refund check
  • Your signature
  • Original or copy of the check, if you have it. (Don’t write VOID on the check)
At least 8 weeks

Mail your request to:

Returned Warrant Desk MS F283

Franchise Tax Board

PO Box 942867

Sacramento CA 94267-0001

If it’s been more than 3 years, you will need to request a replacement from the FTB.

Date on the checkHow to request a new refund checkProcessing time
3 years or moreYou must request a Replacement Warrant Claim (3900A) form from the FTB. Include:
  • Your signature
  • Original or copy of the check, if you have it. (Don’t write VOID on the check)
Up to 18 months

Mail your replacement form to:

Returned Warrant Desk MS F283

Franchise Tax Board

PO Box 942867

Sacramento CA 94267-0001

” I found that ezTaxReturn is a friendly tool to file your taxes. I strongly recommended.”

Ernesto M

” Not only is it easy to do federal taxes you can file your state taxes with ease.”

William W