December 2021 Newsletter

Tiempo de lectura: 2 minutos
Consejos fiscales, Noticias e información
December 2021
Joyful Snowman
Joy, love and laughter!

May the holidays fill your home with joy,
your heart with love and your life with laughter.

‘Tis (almost) the
tax season

Choose ezTaxReturn…the fast, easy way
to do your taxes. Sign up today for
our best possible discount.

Preinscríbase ahora

Prepare now,
stress less later

Use our Tax Prep Checklist
to organize today for
faster, easier tax filing.

Get ready now!

Get a jump start on your taxes
The more you plan ahead for the tax season, the less stressful filing will be. Here are some things you can do now that will make doing your taxes easier.

8 Financial New Year’s resolutions you can actually stick to

It’s that time when you tell yourself how much better the new year will be because you’re going to accomplish great things. Here are some resolutions you can stick to.

Will the Child Tax Credit payments affect your 2022 taxes?

Millions have been receiving advance monthly payments of the Child Tax Credit. Keep reading to see how these payments will affect your taxes in 2022.
7 Tips to save money on your holiday shopping

Between gifts, decorations and travel, your wallet can take a real beating at the end of the year. Fortunately, there are tricks to reduce your spending.
5 reasons you’re always broke
If you’re sick of being broke, it’s time to look at why you’re always strapped for cash and what you can do about it. Here are some common reasons why.
ICYMI: A mix of fun, relevant or recent popular articles
8 ways to save money during the holidays
Winterize home plumbing and avoid costly problems
5 Tips for Staying Fit Through the Holidays
Reduce your holiday spending without being a Scrooge
7 Tricks for Going out Without Going Broke
5 ways to shrink your heating costs this winter
3 Reasons You Shouldn’t Use Your Debit Card to Shop
How to Stay Safe on the Roads This Winter
Tips and tricks for saving big on airfare
Smart year-end tax moves to make right now