July 2022 Newsletter

Tiempo de lectura: 2 minutos
Consejos fiscales, Noticias e información
July 2022
Independence Day

Happy Independence Day!

Wishing you a happy, healthy and safe July 4.
We hope you have enough tax refund left to do something fun!

Still haven’t filed?

No worries. Do your taxes now

¡Empiece ya!

Save time and money

when you file next year. Pre-register now for our best discount on your 2022 return.

Preinscríbase ahora

2022 tax brackets and federal income tax rates
There are seven tax brackets the IRS adjusts each year for inflation. Knowing your tax bracket can help you estimate the amount of tax you’ll owe the IRS.
Protect your phone from being hacked
Your phone contains a lot of personal data, which makes it a target for hackers. Fortunately, there are things you can do to protect it from being hacked.
6 ways convenience is costing you money
Many people are so busy they’re willing to spend more to save time and make life easier. The problem is these luxuries can take a toll on your budget.
How much to tip in every situation
Deciding how much to tip can be confusing because the rules vary based on the service. Here’s a general guideline for how to tip in almost any situation.
Meal planning on a budget
Trying to lose weight, eat healthier, or save money? Planning your meals in advance can help you reach your goals. Here are some meal planning tips.